Acorn - Capital Expansion Platform II (ACEP2)

Icon Calendar

Investment start date

April 2022

Icon Diamond

Asset Class

Private Equity

Icon Dollar


Targeting 20.0% p.a.

This investment opportunity relates to a Private Equity early stage and growth expansion capital Fund, focusing on small cap unlisted companies that mostly exit through ASX listings. Acorn has a history of small and micro-cap equity management and expansion capital since 1998, with a history of mid 20% IRR returns over a 50-deal track record.

Acorn has a fee structure slanted towards performance incentives, which ensures priority of performance, and targets a 20% per annum return over an eight year period. Furthermore, Acorn invests through an Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership for eligible investments, which are CGT, income tax free and provide a 10% tax offset to investors, under certain circumstances.